KSMTA FreightMath Assessment

Use our Expected Benefit Calculator to better understand the value we may bring to your trucking company.

FreightMath, Not Emotion.

The KSMTA FreightMath™ Assessment (FMA) analyzes all aspects of a carrier’s revenue and margin stream (price, cost, velocity, and network fit) to calculate a network value (NV) on each and every load. This provides a transparent picture of a carrier’s gross margin for each load, customer, and lane.   

The FMA is a 30-45 day intensive process, utilizing order and dispatch level data (over 72 fields per load) combined with our proprietary configuration, business processes, and custom work products to provide both quantitative and qualitative feedback.  

The FMA culminates in a full-day onsite meeting to review our findings and recommendations - including actionable solutions - to generate immediate ROI on the FMA investment.

Join over 200 truckload carriers and start your FreightMath journey today.  

To better understand the value we may bring to your trucking company, complete this form and access our Expected Benefit Calculator. 

Learn more about KSM Transport Advisors' services.

Expected Benefit Calculator